Mustang Golf Scramble
Coming Soon!
Our Fundraisers
St Robert School needs you and your extended family’s help!
Help stabilize/reduce tuition by participating in our annual school fundraising projects as well as year around community sharing programs through our local businesses and manufacturers.
School Fundraisers
Spirit Wear – Fall, Winter & Spring | |
Dress Code Shirts – Fall | |
Poinsettia Sale – Nov | |
Book Fair – Oct & March | |
Fun Fair | |
Bueche’s Cash for Kids Program

For every dollar in sales (excluding beer and tobacco), one cent is given to buy sports uniforms and equipment or school supplies. Look for the “Kids School Year” total to appear at the end of your Bueche’s receipt. Bueche boxes are located in the school outside the office, the parish office, and in the gathering space of the church.